Veolia Planning Application Update
Neighbour notification of planning application
Development of an Energy Recovery Facility and Associated Infrastructure at Alton Materials Recovery Facility, A31, Alton (33619/007)
Following the submission of a planning application 24 June 2020 to which an EIA applies, notice is hereby given that the further information has been provided to Hampshire County Council under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 in respect of; Introduction and Background (primarily Waste Hierarchy and Need), Alternatives, Ecology and Nature Conservation, Air Quality, Historic Environment, Climate Change and Landscape and Visual Effects, and other General Clarification.
You are invited to make additional comments on the further information only Please do so by 29 January 2021. Your comments should include your name, address, email address and the application number (above). All representations previous submitted will be taken into account.
A copy of the application documents may be seen at Strategic Planning website at The documents are on the EIA tab dated 14 December 2020. If you wish to inspect a paper version of the application, please contact the Case Officer directly.
Members of the public may obtain hard copies of the environmental statement and further information by writing to Axis, Well House Barns, Chester Road, Chester, CH4 0DH at a cost of £200 for a hard copy and on CD for £10. The Non-Technical Summary (NTS) can be purchased on its own from Axis for £15. An electronic copy of the Non-Technical Summary is also available to download for free from
If you make representations in respect of the application the following will take place:
- as part of the statutory process your name, contact information and comments will be put on deposit with other applications documents, and will be available to public inspection and will also be published on our website;
- your name and contact information will be held within a database for the purpose of considering this application only. We may contact you again if there are any significant changes to the application which require further consultation as you may wish to comment on these changes. If you do not wish us to contact you in the future please let us know.
Additional guidance on how residents can prepare a response to a planning application is available to view on our website:
Your views can be sent by post to Strategic Planning, Economy, Transport & Environment Department, Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UD, or via email at by 29 January 2021
All representations (including by email) must include your name, and postal address for us to be able to accept them. This is in line with the provisions of our adopted Statement of Community Involvement. Anonymous or confidential representations will not be accepted.
All representations received will be available to view publically, therefore please ensure that you only include information you are happy to be seen by the public. If your representation contains information that the council considers to be inappropriate or offensive the representation will not be published and you will be asked to modify them.
Representation submitted will be handled and made publically available in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018) and the Local Government Act (1985). We will remove personal details and any special category data prior to publication. Representations will be available to view during the applications determination period and will be considered when coming to a decision. Representations will be removed once the application has been determined. They will only be republished in the event that a planning appeal is submitted within 6 months of the decision. Following determination, electronic and paper file copies of representations will be kept by the Council for 7 years in line with our file retention policy. Strategic Planning’s Privacy Statement provides more information on how we manage personal data alongside the Corporate Privacy Statement can be found on our website at