Bentley Fete and Flower Show

Apart from being part of the various village clubs and associations we may have little opportunity to get to know and spend time with fellow villagers. That is why our Bentley Fete & Flower Show held in July, is so important as it is the one event of the year when the village comes together in a common effort to socialise with our neighbours and in so doing raise funds for the organisations and associations in Bentley.

Fete Committee aims to achieve financial surplus each year so that we can give something back to village associations and organisations such as the Memorial Hall, the School, the Scout Group, the Recreation Ground and the Church. In the last 16 years the Fete has raised sufficient funds to meet donation requests of more than £80,000, an average of more than £5,000 a year.

The Fete Committee is responsible for much of the activity on Fete Day but what goes on in the main marquee is organised by the Flower Show Committee. This is a veritable showcase of the horticultural, decorative and culinary skills of our villagers. It is unlikely that anyone entering the Marquee will not be impressed by the range of competitive categories.

If you feel that you would like to be involved in the Fete Committee, please see the contact list.