Bentley Allotments

The allotments have been at the present Hole Lane location since about 1962. The site covers nearly an acre and is currently divided into 26 individual plots, which are cultivated by 21 tenants. Originally these were 5 and 10 rods in size but recent subdivision has created some smaller areas to accommodate those who cannot manage to run the full 5 rods. Working an allotment does involve quite a commitment and a couple of hours a week from spring through the summer and autumn is required to keep the sites going.

The soil cover is quite fertile and the long period over which the land has been cultivated has further enhanced the productivity of this piece of ground so, with good management, some pretty good yields are achieved.

A large variety of crops is produced and includes soft fruit and a broad range of vegetables. In the early days the usual range of potatoes, beans, brassicas and roots was the standard fare, but now more exotic crops, like asparagus, salsify, cavala nero feature in the rotations. One or two apple and pear trees have also appeared to augment the logan berries and autumn raspberries, strawberries and currants.


Bentley Allotments – Autumn 2016

Tending an allotment is good exercise. Plot holders enjoy working their pieces of land, and the satisfaction of “growing your own” is a real bonus and there is plenty of bartering and free advice available.

Perhaps you might consider taking on a plot or, if this seems a little daunting, joining with someone to share a site.

For more information about obtaining an allotment, please contact the Allotment Manager (go to Contacts page).