Bentley Village Surgery Closure
In an attempt to try and save Bentley Village Surgery, the Chairman and Clerk sought to extend the closing deadline to give us more time to advertise and recruit replacement partners.
Last week, we met virtually with four members of the CCG: Dr Charlotte Hutchings (Clinical Director); Nick Brooks (Communications Head), Leanne Parmenter (Primary Care Associate Director) and Sharon Martin (GP Resilience).
We explored all avenues possible, asking clinical, business and governance queries to seek answers and opportunities, but in the end, it appears that the national shortage of GP’s has reached Bentley. The CCG is concentrating their efforts to ensure patients have alternative surgeries and with only 8 weeks left there is simply not enough time to recruit for the end of March deadline.
Please contact Dr Charlotte Hutchings if you want to discuss the matter further:
A big thank you to all doctors and staff at the Surgery who have tried their best and worked tirelessly to look after the health and wellbeing of the residents of Bentley.